- May 06, 2010
Aaron authored
- May 05, 2010
- May 04, 2010
- May 03, 2010
- Apr 29, 2010
- Apr 26, 2010
Aaron authored
Aaron authored
Aaron authored
Aaron authored
Aaron authored
1. Updated intersectBed, coverageBed and genomeCoverageBed to correctly compute alignment end coordinates in BAM. 2. Changed the logic for handling BAM alignments in pairToBed 3. Allowed the use of minMappingQuality or totalEdit distance in pairToBed.
Aaron authored
1. Writing BEDPE now requires a BAM sorted/grouped by query. 2. BEDPE output respects CIGARs on both ends. 3. End coordinates for all output formats respect CIGAR. 4. Default score for BEDPE is min mapping quality.
- Apr 22, 2010
Aaron authored
Aaron authored
1. Added an enum for BED line status in an effort to handle header and blank lines in an input file. 2. Modified the Open/Get/Close idiom to only test against BED_INVALID status. Only intersectBed and bedFile.cpp were updated. 3. Added AddBamTag to BaumAux.h 4. Wrote bamFillMateSeq
- Apr 15, 2010
Aaron authored
Aaron authored
- also standardized the naming convention for private variables. - loadIntoMap methods use Open/Get/Close idiom.
Aaron authored
Aaron authored
Added new version of BamTools and fixed a couple minor bugs in intersectBed that were caused by the branchmerge.
Aaron authored
Aaron authored
Aaron authored
Aaron authored
- Apr 14, 2010
- Apr 12, 2010
Aaron authored
- Allows one to report 0 overlap for non-overlapping A features - Changed all private memeber variables to use "_VAR" notation. - Added convenience functions for reporting overlaps.
- Mar 29, 2010
Aaron authored
- Mar 24, 2010
- Mar 23, 2010